Encouraging, equipping, and empowering Christians in Scotland's corporate sector

Thrive 2019 conference highlights

thrive ;

verb, thrived or throve, thriven, thriving.

to prosper; be fortunate or successful.

to grow or develop vigorously; flourish

Our Mission

The roots of Thrive Scotland go back to the creation of The Business Connection charity in 2014 through the partnership of four Christian businessmen working in Aberdeen who wanted to strengthen relationships and foster a sense of community during very challenging industry downturns

We encourage people of faith, or none, to gather and connect and provide a safe place where people can be encouraged, equipped and empowered to endure the stresses of professional business life. Our events are run by business people, for business people. We offer a welcoming, safe place in the space between the office, family and church. Find practical advice to inspire, stimulating debate to refresh and a trained ear to listen

Going forward Thrive’s focus areas are:

1. To establish workplace city-wide communities where people from different sectors come together for breakfast, lunch or evening seminars on relevant topics

2. Build deep relationships with Christians in the workplace to encourage and support the creation & development of Christian Workplace Groups across Scottish companies

3. Develop strong connections with Pastors and church leaders across the city to:

- leverage partner organisations e.g., London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) to provide teaching resources for churches and groups

- encourage workplace ambassadors within the church family to champion the ministry

As we "seek the welfare of our cities" we would love you to join us and be part of the movement.

Please follow us on our social media profiles to keep up with

what is happening in the world of Thrive Scotland

Our history

Since 2014 we have encouraged people of faith, or none, to gather and connect from the busyness and stress of their daily work. The trustees established a regular rhythm of fortnightly breakfasts and monthly talks over many years and have seen this network grow to over 550 people on the mailing list and, pre-Covid, a smaller, more dedicated, group of around 30-40 coming regularly to events.

In 2019 in Aberdeen, we ran the inaugural Thrive Conference to encourage and equip Christians in the marketplace, followed in 2020 by an online conference when we engaged with more than 2500 individuals.


We are delighted to welcome Ken Janke, Pastor and Co-founder of City Table, USA.

Many will recall Ken was one of our 'Thrive Conference' keynote speakers in Aberdeen in 2019 and online in 2020. He is visiting Scotland in June and we are delighted to host him and have him share the incredible impact of his ministry in his new home of Colorado, USA and across Europe.

Thrive Scotland is partnering with City Table to prepare a series of tables, across three cities in Scotland in the summer of 2023.

Ken brings together people around the concept of a table – “a place where relational and social capital can be brought together to leverage relational assets for the common good”.

He sees five key elements of an open table, one which is willing to embrace change and growth:

• Relationships

• Shared purpose

• Safe spaces

• Transformation and reconciliation

• Local determination and ownership

To find out more and join us please register via the Eventbrite link below.


Check out our latest thoughts on balancing the pressures of work, family and church life...

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The Business Connection, Scottish Charity no. SC045163 is the parent charity of Thrive Scotland

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